15 April 2011

A Little Background

I had written this very lenghty blog post when my computer decided to update on its own and restart ... WHY????? Of course I don't recall what I typed other than I was talking about my journey into wedding sitting and saying how I'm going to start blogging more regularly, though my now gone post certainly didn't get me off to a good start, so I'll try this again ...

My son was invited to be the ring bearer in an "adult only" wedding, but then was not allowed into the reception afterward. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that or "adult only" weddings per se, BUT I do feel if you want to include children in the actual wedding to help enhance it, you should certainly allow them into the reception afterward and provide something special for them to do as a thank you and job well done, but I digress ...

That was 3 or 4 years ago and since then I have been trying to figure out what it is I really want to do. I always knew I wanted it to be something that included my children in some way and allow me to be creative (I wanted to be an Architect when I grew up, but I'm beyond horrible at math and still use my fingers to count, so I realized that probably, really wasn't the way to go).

When I originally started Bum Bum & Button (named for my children) I wanted to plan children's parties and events, but after doing childcare subbing at my daughter's school, I thought back on the wedding incident and after doing some research, realized wedding and event sitters really don't exist. I have managed to find a few, but it's a tiny market just waiting to grow ... think of all the weddings that happen every year and how many of the guest likely have children, but might not have a sitter, especially with an out of town wedding.

SO, there's my little synopsis about wedding sitting and I plan/hope to give lots of insight into this up and coming trend.